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Ant Taxonomy Genus – Lasius

About Genus Lasius

Lasius ants are often found in association with other organisms.

They can be found living alongside species of bees and wasps, and they also have a mutualistic relationship with certain trees.

In addition, Lasius ants may co-exist with aphids that feed on the tree’s sap; the ants will protect the aphids from predators in exchange for honeydew secreted by them. Furthermore, these ant colonies may contain numerous parasites, such as mites or nematodes.

Some Lasius species produce food bodies called myrmecomata which serve as housing sites for various associated organisms.


Lasius species can be identified based on morphological characteristics such as body length, head width and coloration (brown to black). The antennae is 11-segmented and there are two spines located near the base of each antennal segment. Additionally, some species possess hairs on their legs while others lack them entirely. Finally, workers of Lasius typically display an inverted Y-shaped mark located at the center of their mesosoma (middle part of body).


Lasius is native to North America but has spread worldwide through human activity; it is especially common in temperate zones within Europe and Asia where it has become established across multiple habitats including urban areas and grasslands. These ants generally prefer open areas that provide access to light sources such as windowsills or walls outside buildings but may also inhabit moist environments like leaf litter or soil beneath logs/rocks etc..


Lasius workers are highly social insects that live together in large colonies composed mostly of female individuals (queens) who reproduce continuously throughout their life span up until death ensues due to natural aging processes – reproductive males exist only during mating season when hundreds if not thousands leave nest sites simultaneously seeking out potential partners from neighboring nests which occurs yearly depending upon geographical location . Within colony boundaries duties among members include tending larvae gathering food defending against intruders patrolling & maintaining tunnels/habitats cleaning grooming one another egg distribution & general caretaking all essential components for survival overall making this genus an ideal model organism for studying complex behaviors within advanced societies evolutionary development & adaptation amidst changing environmental conditions over time.

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