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Ant Taxonomy SubFamily- Sphecomyrminae

About SubFamily Sphecomyrminae


Sphecomyrminae is a vanished subbreed of ants in the family Formicidae recognized from a sequence of Cretaceous fossils discovered in North America, Europe, and Asia. Sphecomyrminae repose of 8 breeds split into 2 tribes, Sphecomyrmini and Zigrasimeciini. Sphecomyrmini includes the 6 genera

  1. Armania,
  2. Cretomyrma,
  3. Gerontoformica,
  4. Orapia,
  5. Pseudarmania,
  6. and Sphecomyrma;

While Zigrasimeciini lies of Boltonimecia and Zigrasimecia.

Multiple taxa have been eradicated from the subfamily and arranged in other subfamilies or are currently treated as incertae sedis in the Formicidae.

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae

Sphecomyrminae is the most fundamental of the Formicidae subfamilies though it has not been incorporated in several phylogenetic investigations of the lineage. Subfamily symplesiomorphies contain the antennal system, which has a short basal part and a relaxed group of segments below the angle of the antenna. The petiole is down and rounded, with an unobstructed gaster and the existence of a metapleural gland. The subfamily is described by three major synapomorphies, the short pedicel, a 2nd flagellar component twice as long as the other antennal segments, and the loss of the apical ending of the CuA veins in the wings of grown-up males.

Tribes and genres

A 2017 investigation determined 3 lineages, Haidomyrmecini, Sphecomyrmini, and Zigrasimeciini, and incorporated the genera formerly placed in Armaniidae within the lineage Sphecomyrmini. Additional modification of the haidomyrmecins resulted in their being exalted to the respective subfamily Haidomyrmecinae and extracted from the Sphecomyrminae.

The genus Sphecomyrmodes was previously set in Sphecomyrmini; nevertheless, in 2016, it evolved as a synonym of the stem-group genus Gerontoformica, which at the moment was viewed as incertae sedis in the Formicidae. The old lineage Zigrasimeciini is nowadays considered to include the individual subfamily Zigrasimeciinae.

  • Sphecomyrminae Wilson y Brown, 1967
  • Sphecomyrmini Wilson, Carpenter & Brown, 1967
  • Armania Dlussky, 1983
  • Baikuris Dlussky, 1987
  • Cretomyrma Dlussky, 1975
  • Dlusskyidris Bolton, 1994
  • Orapia Dlussky, Brothers & Rasnitsyn, 2004
  • Pseudarmania Dlussky, 1983
  • Sphecomyrma Wilson y Brown, 1967
  • Zigrasimecia tonsora
  • Zigrasimeciini Borysenko, 2017
  • Boltonimecia Borysenko, 2017
  • Zigrasimecia Barden y Grimaldi, 2013
  • Protozigrasimecia Cao et al, 2020



[FULL LIST OF Sphecomyrminae GENUS]