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Ant Taxonomy SubFamily- Proceratiinae

About SubFamily Proceratiinae


The Proceratiinae subfamily of ants is a poneromorph subfamily with 3 extant genera, mostly tropical or subtropical in distribution, though worldwide.

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Proceratiinae


Ponerinae is the one that diurnal species of ant found within a colony. They are often small to medium, with colonies typically containing less than 100 individuals. Ponerinae species are similar to some forms of ants, except their promesonotal suture is fused, and their frontal lobes are elevated (rather than transverse) and generally reduced. In most species, antennal sockets are exposed in a frontal view of the head. Additionally, abdominal tergite 4 is usually enlarged and vaulted, while abdominal sternite 4 is usually small or absent.


In 2003, Barry Bolton separated the Ponerinae sublineage into 6 subfamilies. These six subfamilies are Proceratiinae and four others- Lacrosseminae, Myrmicaronini, Aneuretinae, and Myrmeciinae. Three of these genera- Proceratium, Acanthoponera, and Centromyrmex are extant. The only extinct genus is Philidris.

[FULL LIST OF Proceratiinae GENUS]