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Ant Taxonomy Genus- Tapinoma

About Genus Tapinoma

Welcome to the world of ants, where millions of these tiny creatures buzz around our planet, forming complex societies and performing remarkable feats.

One species that is often overlooked yet holds a significant role in the ecosystem is Tapinoma. This genus of ants may be small in size, but their behavior and biology are anything but ordinary or lacking diversity.

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating taxonomy of Tapinoma and uncover some captivating facts about these miniature marvels. So, get ready to delve into the intriguing world of Tapinoma ant species!

Tapinoma also utilizes a variety of food sources, including plant material such as pollen and nectar, honeydew from aphids and other insects, small arthropods like spiders, mites and beetles.

They are occasionally predaceous on small invertebrates.

Yes, this is true. Many species of Tapinoma are arboreal and some live in close association with ant-plants such as Acacia trees. These ants have a mutualistic relationship with the plant where the ants protect their host plants from herbivorous insects and other pests while the plant provides food for them.

Species of Tapinoma typically nest in sheltered, moist, and dark areas. This can include soil-filled crevices or cavities such as hollows made by small animals, under stones or logs on the ground surface, between rock layers, within walls and rocks (rock fissures), inside tree trunks and branches (arborial nests), under bark flaps on trees (arboreal nests) and even underground burrows. They may also inhabit artificial structures such as buildings or other man-made objects.

Some species build carton nests from collected fibrous material that they glue together with a secretion produced by their mandibles. Other species create mud tubes around the entrance to their chamber where they deposit eggs before sealing them off with another layer of mud.


Tapinoma is a genus of small, brown ants in the family Formicidae. It can be found throughout most parts of the world from tropical to temperate climates.

They are typically found living inside homes and other buildings, as well as outdoors in open areas such as gardens and grasslands.

The species within this genus have varied biology depending on the species but they all form colonies underground with multiple queens, enabling them to spread quite far and wide without needing direct contact with another colony.

Nesting behaviour

Their nests consist of chambers up close to the surface which are interconnected by galleries that can sometimes reach depths of more than 20 cm beneath topsoil or below concrete surfaces.

As predators these ants will also attack any other insect smaller than themselves when given an opportunity; although their main prey items remain caterpillars and beetle larvae.

Association with Other Organisms

These ants are often seen associating with various arthropods like coccinellid beetles or mealybugs so much so that some species display mutualistic behaviour towards each other whereby Tapinoma workers provide protection for the associated organism while receiving sugary food from it in return (known as trophallaxis).

Other associations include myrmecophilous mites who use these ant colonies for shelter and feed on detritus produced therein providing cleaning services for their hosts in exchange; however not all associations between Tapinoma spp. And other organisms is positive some being exclusively parasitic relationships instead where either larval stages feed off host ant’s resources whilst growing/maturing into adulthood or adult forms simply take advantage using a combination of chemical mimicry & defensive strategies against attacks from worker caste members until final emergence away from nest site has been achieved.

List Of Ants

Ghost Ant

Odorous House Ant

Subfamilies Of Ants